Friday, 1 July 2011

Mechanics of Machines 1 : Student Study Guide


DURATION                  :           1 SEMESTER (15 WEEKS)
THEORY           :           30 HOURS
PRACTICAL       :           15 HOURS

CREDIT HOURS            :           2.5

PREREQUISITES           :           NONE


THE MACHINE MECHANICS1 exposes the student to the basic concept of the Machine mechanics and how to apply the said concepts.  This module also gives knowledge on how to create and use simple methods to solve problem in relation to inertia moment, lifting machine, friction, screw thread and rope belt.  This module is a basic to an advanced learning for the module of Machine Mechanics 2.


At the end of this module, the students will be able to:
1.         understand the related concept to general dynamic.
2.         understand the related concept to inertia moment.
3.         understand the related concept to dynamic rotary and friction.
4.         understand the related concept to function of screws.
5.         understand and apply the concept on connected to rope belt


This topic is an introduction to the concept of Velocity and Straight and Angle Acceleration, Circle Movement, Work and Energy Power Capacity, Kinetic and Strain, Momentum.

This topic covers the definition and description of Inertia Moment, GyrationF inger and Torque, as well as how to determine angle momentum and angle impulse.

This topic is the introduction and definition of a simple machine concept.  Here it shows the force that reacts to the said systems Using the free form diagram.  In addition, this topic also explains how to calculate the torque and power required to lift load.

4.0       FRICTION
This topic introduces the concept of friction and movement on sloping plane.  lt is also explains how to use the formulas to calculate loading movement up/down the sloping plane with uniform velocity.

5.0       SCREW
This topic is introduction as well as description about rectangle thread and Vee thread.  Here it shows the average diameter, thread, thread depth, helix angle and thread chaser as well as explains related formula to calculate thread front efficiency.

6.0       ROPE BELT
This topic explains the method to sketch driving system between two tackles with the same diameter or different diameter using opened/cross rope belt.  This topics how show to determine the speed, tackle diameter,length of rope belt and lap angle between both tackles with the same diameter or different diameter for the relevant driving system.


Assessment of this module is as follows:
i.                    Continuous Evaluation (CE)    -           50%
ii.                  Final Examination (F E)           -          50%

GONTINUOUS EVALUATION (CE):                                                                  50%
(CE breakdown is based on 100%)

Continuous evaluation is carried out throughout the semester and consists of the following Parts:
a.         Quizzes            -           minimum of 4             20%
b.         Assignments    -           minimum of 3             20%
c.         Practical          -           minimum of 4             20%
d.         Tests                -           minimum of 2             40%
The tests only cover the theoretical content.

FINAL EXAMINATION (FE ):                                                                             50%
Final examination is held at the end of the semester.

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